children's music

School Library Journal Reviews "THUMB WRESTLING CHAMPIONS"!!

Our album “THUMB WRESTLING CHAMPIONS” has been out for almost a year now, so we were pleasantly surprised to find that the School Library Journal had recently reviewed it! The reviewer, Beverly Wrigglesworth, called it a “funny album that will have listeners rolling on the floor laughing!”….we agree (if we do say so ourselves)!!

Click here to check out the entire review along with other reviews for albums from our friends in the Children’s Music world.

Another fun review for THUMB WRESTLING CHAMPIONS!

Thank you to Eat The Marshmallow for the fun review!

“Debut album alert! The Green Orbs threw down their first album earlier this month and announced their notable presence on the kindie scene. Pulling from a wide array of musical influences from 60s-80s, The Green Orbs dish up a big scoop of surrealist silly (Monster Spray Parts I, II, and IIIFlower In My Shower) peppered with moments of heartfelt kid advice (Tips From Toby the Turtle, Twelve Steps to Eating Your Veggies) and story songs (Doug the Bug, Ruby the Tooth Fairy, Robert Broccoli, The Duck of Whistleburg). The record kicks off with its title track Thumb Wrestling Champions which echoes the concept of MTV’s Celebrity Death Match– if the wrestlers were only using their thumbs for combat! Musically the song has a definite 80s influence, reminiscent of The Buggles, Sparks, The Plimsouls, and Devo. But, as aforementioned, the album does not remain in that 80s sonic space, the musical influences shift from song to song and range from 80s to folksy to broadway theatrical to 50s/60s doo-wop. There is even a funny, driving, guitar-laden, Neil Young-esque song called Soup. The album, structurally speaking, is divided into three parts with each section punctuated by a faux advertising interstitial. Despite this, I wouldn’t call this record a concept album per se, however, you could safely say that this record was made possible by the generous support by the good people behind Monster Spray!”

Find the whole review here!!


Thank you so much to MRJEFF2000 for his fun review of "THUMB WRESTLING CHAMPIONS!!

"The family band concept has existed forever. Most recently, the Oot 'n Oots feature four brothers and one of their daughters. Keeping in the sibling spirit is the brother and sister team The Green Orbs. Eddie RosenBerg III and Heather Hirshfield first decided to collaborate musically in 2015 for the YouTube Audio Library. Three years (and 50 songs) later, the duo have released their debut CD, THUMB WRESTLING CHAMPIONS.

While every family has their resident goofball, the Green Orbs divide the wackiness evenly. That way, Eddie can sing "Soup is the best food in the world" and Heather can belt the '60s Romper Room meets Shindig! romp, "The Suction Cup Shuffle.""

For the rest of the review, click here!

Another great review!!!

Another great review!! Thank you Lee Littlewood of Creators Syndicate!!

"Thumb Wrestling Champions" by the Green Orbs.

The debut album from a brother and sister who clearly relish the wacky, "Thumb Wrestling Champions" hits the ground running with absurdity, about a contest broken up by Abraham Lincoln. Dance number "The Suction Cup Shuffle" has a blazing melodic lead; and jazzy "Tips from Toby the Turtle" is a groovy advice column. Other uber-cool, funky fun tunes include the witty "Flower in My Shower," "Robert Broccoli," done up as a goofy waltz, and "Twelve Steps to Eating Your Veggies," a tongue-in-cheek tune all kids can relate to. Super Cool!